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- Great Back Pain Exercises - How McKenzie Does It.
I’m going to teach you about something today called the McKenzie Method. - McKenzie back exercises consist of up to seven exercises and these seven exercises could help chronic lower back pain sufferers to restore the range of motion, as well as mobility, as well as the function of the lower back. - So, just a little note for everyone reading. If you are following along and you start to experience pain or find it difficult, please seek out a registered physical therapist to help you. But in the meantime, let's share some history: The McKenzie Method, also known as Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT), was developed in the late 1950s by New Zealand physiotherapist Robin McKenzie. Its origins trace back to a serendipitous discovery in 1956, when a patient with chronic back pain inadvertently lay down in an extended position, resulting in significant pain relief. This unexpected outcome led McKenzie to further explore the effects of spinal positioning and movements on back pain. He developed a systematic approach based on patient education, self-treatment, and the identification of directional preferences for exercises that alleviate symptoms. The method emphasizes the centralization of pain, where symptoms move from the extremities to the spine, as an indicator of effective treatment. Over time, the McKenzie Method has gained widespread recognition and adoption for its evidence-based, non-invasive approach to diagnosing and managing back pain and related musculoskeletal conditions. Before you exercise, a high majority of people with back pain have what we call a “directional preference” into back extension. The other group has a directional preference for the opposite movement, flexion. Extension is basically bending backward, and flexion is bending forward. In order to determine which, you are, you have to test yourself fairly straightforwardly. This series of exercises works really well with people who have extension or back bending as their directional preference. If your directional preference is bending forward or flexion, these may not be as suitable, or you should enlist the help of a physical therapist to assist you in monitoring the movements. So, let’s determine your directional preference. Just like Forrest Gump does when standing on the shrimp boat, you will place your hands at your low back, just above your buttocks and lean backward. If you hold it for five to ten seconds gently, if you see that your pain improves or in the case where you have pain down into your leg, that pain moves more to the center of your back and up and away from your leg, you probably have a directional preference of back bending or extension and these exercises should help you a great deal. If you bend forward and it makes your pain improve, I would advise against these exercises for now unless you are with a trained therapist. So, for the majority of back pain and sciatica sufferers who have a directional preference of back bending or extension, let’s go. Exercise number one. Lying face down. So, you will lay down on your tummy with your face turning to one side. You will hold this exercise for about two to three minutes. What this exercise will do is help to unload the lower back and also help to start straightening out the spine. Exercise number two is lying face down in and pushing up into extension. To start this exercise, you basically put yourself in the position like exercise number one and then gently put elbows directly underneath your shoulders so you can lean on your forearms with a relaxed back. By leaning on your forearms, what this does, it actually helped to restore a little bit of the lower back curve bending backward. Exercise number three is extension in lying. Start from the position of lying on the tummy and then put your hands underneath your shoulders and extend your elbows to push your upper body upward. And then come back down. Breathe in at the bottom. Come up, and at the end, breathe out. If you find that this is too difficult or if you find that you cannot bend back as much you can actually put your hands more forward to reduce the curve of the lower back bending. Exercise number four is extension in standing. Just like the directional preference testing, start by putting your hands behind the lower back to help support yourself bending backward. This helps her to restore the range of motion of bending backward for the lower back. However, it doesn't stretch as much as exercise number three, extension in lying, but it is more convenient. You can do it anywhere and anyplace. Now, these are all in a progression from the first to the last version of these. You want to listen to your body to make sure you aren’t reproducing the pain. I advise you to hold each position gently for about ten seconds and repeat 6 times. You can certainly do more if you feel a great benefit and you don’t feel any spasms as a result of doing more than advised. I like people to try this every hour or so and also as needed when pain might be higher after activity. Again, this is certainly not the only way to approach back pain and it may not be for everyone, but the McKenzie Method has proven to be very useful for a great deal of our back pain patients. Please always check with your physician before trying new movements and if your body is experiencing anything that makes you concerned and certainly if that concern is more painful, please consult a physical therapist. These exercises are safe but work best when monitored by a professional. 888-929-7677 Click HERE for more info about the Achieva Rehabilitation In-Home Physical Therapy Program
- Interview Yourself - First Question: How Do I Know if I Need Physical Therapy?
The days of relying on others is over. The world is becoming more self serve than we've ever imagined. Restaurants have kiosks to place your order. Grocery stores make you check out yourself and they don't pay you to do the job. And even in healthcare, primary care doctors are so overwhelmed with their patient schedules that they simply cannot think of everything when it comes to what you might need in order to remain mobile and healthy. Oh...and by the way, when you are able to move well, there is a direct connection to your overall health. When you move better, the fact is that you require less medical intervention and certainly avoid hospitals and nursing homes. But, I digress. Listen. Primary care doctors are not the villain here. Trust me. The landscape of healthcare in America is such that there are less primary care doctors and more patients as the population's just a numbers thing and there are only so many hours in a day. must learn to be proactive and efficient with your time with your doctors. As days go by, I recommend that patients write a list of concerns that they can use to streamline their visits with their doctor and to also make sure all are discussed. Physical Therapy is an underutilized modality for older adults despite the overwhelming evidence of it's value. So, how do you know if PT would be a benefit to you and your health? Interview yourself...ask yourself these questions and then tell your doctor that you feel that you'd benefit from PT. Here we go... If any of these conditions are true in your life, you should get Physical Therapy: I worry that I will fall. I feel dizzy. I've fallen in the past 3-6 months. I've declined invitations to go out with friends or family because I'm unsteady. It's hard for me to get up from a chair. I have difficulty going up stairs confidently. I'm weak from illness or injury. I get tired, short of breath, or have trouble doing once-simple tasks. I struggle to bathe, dress, or use the restroom. I have pain that limits my activity. I'm more dependent on my family or caregivers. Of course, there are many more that I can add to this list but the basics are still the same...if there is something preventing you from fully enjoying your life, guess what...Physical Therapy can and will help you! And you can actually get the full attention of one of our Physical Therapists right in the comfort of your own home and get great results. And insurance will pay for it. We can coach you back to moving better, feeling better, and living better. It's simply a better way. Tell your doctor you'd like to try PT. Oh! And trust us...we are great...check out what our patients have to say about our program: 888-929-7677 Click HERE for more info about the Achieva Rehabilitation In-Home Physical Therapy Program
- The Basics of Achieva Rehabilitation's In-Home Physical Therapy Program...How We Do What We Do So Well!!
I hope you will take time to read this and pass it along especially to older people in your lives so that more and more people will know about what we consider a hidden treasure. First, our program structure is exactly the same as any outpatient provider of physical therapy with SEVERAL HUGE DIFFERENCES . The first is that we see our patients in their homes and not a physical clinic. And secondly, because of that, we are able to see our patients one-on-one with no distractions and our complete focus for 60 minute visits. That's what the Achieva Rehab In-Home PT Program is. But, we go a little further...sort of like when you go out for dinner for your birthday and unexpectedly, the restaurant brings you a great big ice cream sundae for's quite a great surprise bonus. So, the bonuses that you get with Achieva Rehab : As George Burns said "It's Just You and Me, Kid!" That's right...there are no other patients. There are no phone calls. There are no other therapists. There are no distractions . That allows us to focus 100% of our time on treating, training, and teaching our patients. 60 minutes of time is given completely to the patient. When compared to a traditional clinic with busy therapists and waiting rooms and distractions, that means we provide 2 to 3 times more than what a patient would be getting in a busy clinic . Speaking of waiting rooms... you don't have to get ready to go anywhere and you don't have to wait! We come to you and we get started as soon as we walk in the door! Speaking of busy know why they are so busy? Because they have to pay for that clinic and pay for the equipment and funnel that money back to the corporation which guides their judgments....Achieva Rehab's owner is also a treating therapist and the financial bottom line is not the main concern. Speaking of equipment...why is it that people think they need equipment in order to improve their mobility and regain independence? Why do people need equipment to help them get stronger so that they can get out of a chair... let's work on getting out of a chair . Why do people think they need machines in order to do the steps better... let's work on the steps . Why do people think they need machines to improve their balance...heck, I could replicate any balance machine simply with a couch cushion! You don't need machines or equipment!! For anyone who might be skeptical as to what can be accomplished without machines, please see the dozens of reviews we have on our website or on Google or Facebook...those results had zero to do with machines and gym equipment and way more to do with the human spirit and ingenuity of great therapists!! 6. The Grandma Standard!!! Ahhhhh...Grandma (and Grandpa!!)...our Grandma Standard is our simple guiding principle for all that we do. Our decisions, treatment, education, time is given to all our patients as if you were our own grandmother! just can't get that from other programs. There are great physical therapy programs out there and if you are affliated with one that works for you and your family, I couldn't be happier. You already know what our profession can do for you. I just want people to know Achieva Rehab's In-Home PT Program is an AMAZING choice for any older adult who is struggling with their independence or mobility. For anyone who is fearful that they may no longer be able to stay home alone or are afraid to go out into the community. Our website is full of information that can help you if you fall into that category and we are always here for you in Schuylkill, Luzerne, Carbon Counties. If you help us spread the word about this program, maybe we can help more people in more counties in PA! Fingers crossed! Phone and Fax: 1-888-929-7677 Be well and do good! Click HERE for more info about the Achieva Rehabilitation In-Home Physical Therapy Program
- Keep Mom Safe with The Gift of Better Balance!
Nothing is more important than the safety of our loved ones and no one person is more important than your mother! If you are fortunate enough to still have your mother here with you on this big blue marble that we call earth, you may be worried at times about her safety. Maybe she lives alone at this point. Maybe she has gotten weak over the years (from raising you perhaps...haha!). Perhaps she has already fallen or just can't move the way she did when you were younger? Do you ever feel that there is nothing you can do? you try to find every available option to increase the likelihood of her safety being consistent and continuous? Do you manage her medications? Do you have an emergency call system setup on a chain around her neck? Do you have the neighbors check in on her daily, etc.? I'm sure that you do...your roles are reversed. She took care of you and now it's your turn! What if I told you that there is a very strong connection between someone's mobility and their overall health? What if I told you that there is a very strong connection between someone's mobility and their stability? What if I told you that I know a whole lot about helping older adults improve their balance, yes, improve their balance so that they can be safer at home alone and in the community? Would that be something that you'd take advantage of to maximize the safety of your mother? Absolutely true! A person's balance can improve and if your mother has balance concerns, perhaps a great gift would be to have us check her out to see how we can help her be as safe as's an amazing gift and one that goes well beyond Mother's Day. It will help her live safely for a very long time! The Achieva Rehab In-Home PT Program specializes in working with older adults to improve their balance so their loved ones don't have to worry. Give the gift of's as simple as a call to us to see how we can help! You owe it to mom! 888-929-7676 Click HERE for more info about the Achieva Rehabilitation In-Home Physical Therapy Program
- Physical Therapy....Get it?
What is Physical Therapy??? "The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge." Thomas Berger. Why should I take these pills every day? Why should I exercise regularly? Why should I stop smoking? We all know there is a reason to take the prescription. We all know that we should exercise. We all know that smoking is unhealthy. But, do we really know WHY? What does that pill actually do in my system that makes it necessary? What does exercise do to my body and mind that makes it necessary? What happens when I smoke on a regular basis? A true understanding can lead to action. Of all those topics, in recent years, the reasons for not smoking have become much more understood because of the great works of and their commercials and publications. People are now aware of what smoking really does to the body, and there has been an action as a result...a great drop in smoking in this country. Physical therapy is simple. You have a problem that hinders your quality of life and we have a solution for that problem. Get it? Not so fast....the profession is very complicated at times and much more far reaching than most understand. When people hear physical therapy, one of two things pops to mind. 1. The young athlete who gets injured and is referred for physical therapy in the facility filled with "gym equipment." OR 2. An elderly woman or man walking with a walker with a therapist at their side guiding them. While both scenarios exist in PT, they are only a fraction of what we can do. And now, the boring list of conditions that can be successfully treated in physical prepared to say "WOW!" Just kidding...If you would like to really find out the conditions that we are educated to treat, you can start here: Frankly, it would be easier to make a list of physical conditions that WE DON'T TREAT. But, here are a few examples of things that may be a surprise. I love treating people with the number two complaint among physician visits...dizziness!! Yes, we love patients that are dizzy...we can really help. Alongside of that, are people that fall frequently...there are many reasons for falls, but, we can help find out why and fix it. Have a wound? Let us take a shot at it...a lot of physical therapists are well versed in wound healing. Urinary Incontinence? WHAT?!? Yes, it's recent times, PTs have become specialized in treating urinary incontinence. You see...the body has over 600 muscles, over 200 bones, over 900 ligaments, 22 square feet of skin, ONE BRAIN AND ONE HEART....Physical therapists rely on the brain and the heart in everything that we do. We have a great understanding of all those bones and muscles, how they work, what happens when they aren't working properly, and the interventions needed to promote healing so that the patient experiences improved quality of life...THE BRAIN. We also have compassion and know how to work with each individual patient in order to succeed as a team...THE HEART. We evaluate you from a small scale and a big scale..we look closely at the body part that is causing the problem and we determine how it affects everything you need to do and love to do on a daily basis. At that point, we dive into our knowledge base to implement a plan that is individualized. We take into account not only the structure that is flawed, but, also your personality, your wants and needs, your support system, your learning style, your experiences, your hobbies, your family and roll out a plan that is designed to help you get back your quality of life. We can also do it in the comfort of your own home!! WHY are we doing this? WHY are we doing that? No need to ask will know WHY we are doing everything we are doing for you. What is Physical Therapy? Will anyone really know the answer? We are problem solvers. We believe in what we do. We just need you as the patient to believe it as well. Then, we can get to work!! I sincerely hope this information is helpful. Be well! Please call for a free consultation: 1-888-929-7677
- Is Vertigo Ruining Your Life? Let's Fix That!
Physical Therapy is Ideal for Dizziness & Vertigo We’ve all had the sensation of being dizzy – as if you can’t focus, can’t see straight, can’t stand upright without swaying or falling. You may even experience “tunnel vision,” where your peripheral vision goes dark for a few seconds. Dizziness is common and can have many causes. Vertigo, however, is a little different. While dizziness is typically synonymous with “lightheadedness,” which creates the illusion of being unsteady, vertigo is typically a response to a physiological factor that is causing a quite literal imbalance in your body. Those experiencing vertigo have reported feeling as if they are “rocking” or “spinning,” even when they are sitting still. Physical therapy for dizziness and vertigo is a common and effective course of treatment. For inquiries regarding vertigo testing, don’t hesitate to contact us at Achieva Rehabilitation. If you’ve been feeling dizzy, or you think you may have some of the symptoms of vertigo, contact our office today to schedule an FREE Call with one of our experienced physical therapists. Dizziness: Causes and Symptoms Just a few of the many factors that can lead to dizziness include lack of sleep, poor nutrition, overexertion, or a physical ailment, such as a head cold or the flu. Dizziness can also occur from something as simple as standing up too quickly after an extended period of rest. Some accompanying symptoms to dizziness may include: · Loss of balance · Lightheadedness or heavy-headedness · Momentarily impaired vision (i.e. tunnel vision) · Feeling woozy or faint Vertigo: Causes and Symptoms The causes of vertigo aren’t nearly as many. In fact, vertigo is most commonly caused by an imbalance in the inner ear, also known as the “vestibular system.” Your vestibular system helps you maintain your balance and center of gravity by sending messages to your brain regarding your movement. When this is impaired, the necessary messages become blocked from your brain, and your movement becomes affected. You may feel as if the world is spinning around you, you can’t focus your vision for prolonged periods of time, or you can’t stand/move properly without feeling like you are going to topple over. Some common causes of vertigo include: · Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). This is the most common cause of vertigo. It occurs when the tiny calcium crystals located in your ears break apart and move around to different parts of the ear, where they are not supposed to be. This can cause sudden spinning sensations (vertigo) and inner-ear discomfort. -A great success story from a former Achieva Rehab patient with BPPV: “I don’t know how I would have made it to a PT facility given the severity of my symptoms. Joel [Digris] made me understand why I had the symptoms and what to do if they return. Thankfully, I have been symptom free and am so grateful to Achieva [Rehab] for helping me get back to normal.” · Meniere’s disease. This occurs when fluid builds up in your ear(s). This typically includes “ringing” in your ear and sudden waves of intense dizziness that may last for hours. You may also experience momentary hearing losses. · Vestibular neuritis. This is an inner-ear infection that can cause vertigo. · Migraines. Migraines can impact your vestibular system, thus causing episodes of vertigo which may be coupled with a sensitivity to light or sound. Vision may also be impaired. · Stroke. A stroke affects movement in your whole body. If you recently suffered a stroke, you may experience waves of vertigo which may linger for extended periods of time. Some accompanying symptoms to vertigo may also include: · Inability to focus or remain alert · Double vision · Nausea or vomiting · Arm or leg weakness · Difficulty seeing or speaking · Sweating · Abnormal eye movements Get back on your feet with physical therapy: Both dizziness and vertigo can hinder your daily life, limiting your ability to perform even the simplest of tasks. Luckily, no matter what the cause may be, physical therapy for dizziness and vertigo can help. Achieva Rehabilitation is very successful at diagnosing and treating both dizziness and vertigo with vestibular rehabilitation.If you suffering with dizziness or vertigo, it makes us happy to offer our In-Home Physical Therapy Program. It means you will receive the best care right in your home. Vestibular rehabilitation includes treatments such as the Epley maneuver and Cawthorne head exercises. The Epley maneuver allows for canalith repositioning, in order to move the broken calcium crystals in patients experiencing BBPV. Cawthorne head exercises focus on decreasing nerve sensitivity and reducing the effects of vertigo. Recovery from vertigo is only offered in select practices, Achieva Rehabilitation is one of them. Our advanced methods and experience have earned us a reputation as being one of the most successful physical therapy practices for treating dizziness and vertigo. If you are experiencing either of these conditions, Contact Us Today in Schuylkill or Luzerne Counties to schedule an appointment. You can reap the benefits of our in home care physical therapy services to treat your problem directly in your home. We will help you get back on your feet as quickly as possible. 888-929-7677
- I'm Sick of the Healthcare Environment...It's Broken! But, Physical Therapy Will Always Be A Great Choice!
### The Broken Healthcare Industry: A Look at Reimbursement and Value in Medical Treatments In recent years, the healthcare industry has faced significant scrutiny due to the disparity between the costs of treatments and their actual value to patients. This issue is particularly evident in the reimbursement rates and charges for injections, medications, and orthotics compared to physical therapy. By examining these differences, we can better understand why the current system is flawed and how physical therapy offers a more sustainable and beneficial approach to healthcare. #### The High Cost of Injections and Medications Injections and medications are commonly used to manage pain and treat various conditions. However, their costs often far exceed their value. According to the American Journal of Managed Care, the average cost of a single corticosteroid injection can range from $100 to $300, and the price for more advanced injections, such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections, can exceed $1,000 per shot . Despite these high costs, studies have shown that the long-term benefits of these injections are limited. For instance, a 2017 study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that corticosteroid injections provided only short-term relief for osteoarthritis of the knee and were associated with cartilage loss over time . #### The Burden of High-Priced Orthotics Orthotics, which are used to correct biomechanical issues and alleviate pain, also present a significant cost burden. Custom orthotics can cost anywhere from $200 to $800, yet their effectiveness is often no greater than over-the-counter alternatives that are a fraction of the price . Furthermore, the reimbursement rates for orthotics vary widely, leading to inconsistent coverage for patients and out-of-pocket expenses that can be prohibitive. #### Physical Therapy: A Cost-Effective and Life-Changing Solution In contrast to injections and orthotics, physical therapy offers a more cost-effective and beneficial approach to treatment. Physical therapy focuses on addressing the root cause of pain and dysfunction through exercise, manual therapy, and patient education. The cost of physical therapy sessions ranges from $50 to $150 per visit, with an average course of treatment typically requiring 6-12 sessions . Importantly, physical therapy is often reimbursed at a much lower rate compared to injections and medications. According to a 2020 report from the American Physical Therapy Association, the average reimbursement rate for physical therapy is approximately $70 per session . Despite this lower reimbursement, physical therapy has been shown to provide significant long-term benefits. For example, a study published in the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy found that physical therapy was more effective than corticosteroid injections in treating shoulder impingement syndrome over a one-year period . #### The Long-Term Impact of Physical Therapy Unlike injections, which can cause damage over time, physical therapy emphasizes sustainable, long-term improvements in function and pain management. By strengthening muscles, improving mobility, and teaching patients how to manage their conditions, physical therapy can prevent the need for more invasive and costly treatments. This holistic approach not only reduces healthcare costs but also enhances patients' quality of life. #### Conclusion The healthcare industry's current reimbursement structure favors high-cost, short-term treatments like injections and medications over more effective, long-term solutions like physical therapy. This disparity highlights the need for a shift in focus towards treatments that provide real value to patients. By investing in physical therapy, we can reduce healthcare costs and improve patient outcomes, ultimately leading to a more effective and equitable healthcare system. Physical therapy offers a powerful, life-changing alternative to the expensive and often short-lived benefits of injections and medications. It's time for the healthcare industry to recognize the true value of physical therapy and adjust reimbursement practices accordingly to prioritize patient health and well-being. --- **Sources:** 1. American Journal of Managed Care: Cost of Corticosteroid Injections 2. Average Costs of PRP Injections 3. Annals of Internal Medicine: Corticosteroid Injections and Cartilage Loss 4. Cost and Effectiveness of Custom Orthotics 5. Average Cost of Physical Therapy Sessions 6. American Physical Therapy Association: Reimbursement Rates for Physical Therapy 7. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy: Effectiveness of Physical Therapy vs. Corticosteroid Injections
- Our Physical Therapy Plan for You is as Unique as Your Fingerprint...We Take Care of What You Need...No Cookie Cutter Plans!
Confucius say...Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. Funny how Confusion and Confucius are letters apart. In describing the In-Home Therapy Program of Achieva Rehabilitation, it takes a few minutes for the simplicity to sink in, but, when it does sink in, the eyebrows raise and the blinkers go on and people are sold on the idea...big time!! Simply put, we provide Physical Therapy in the same exact way as any traditional outpatient clinic does...we just do it in the patient's home...That's it!! We are outpatient therapy providers where the place of service is the home...everything else is EXACTLY the same. Now, provision of therapy is the same, but, I'd be remiss if I didn't tell you why our way is better, besides the quality, character, and creativity of our clinicians. I won't get into challenging the argument that you need state of the art machinery for therapy...I've covered that in another blog....a tasty read, I might add. The reason we are able to get great results is that we give our patients undivided attention.... One patient, one therapist, one focus...we are with you and you only for one hour of intensive therapy focusing only on YOUR deficits and YOUR needs. We watch you like a hawk, like a lion stalking his prey, looking at every repetition, giving feedback when it is needed. We educate you in your home exercise program IN YOUR HOME...that's gotta work pretty well. We educate you on functional and ADL needs IN YOUR HOME where you will be functioning...that's gotta be the better way, right? At Achieva Rehab, we strongly dislike (I teach my kids to not say "hate") failing our patients. That's why we give you our best for 60 minutes. One patient, one therapist, one focus! Charles Darwin said... " A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life." We squeeze a boatload of value into our one hour sessions with our patients. That's Achieva Rehab in a Nutshell! 888-929-7677
- Can I take your order? A Physical Therapist Should Prioritize What YOU Want!
When you go out to a nice dinner, you should be asked WHAT YOU WANT or WHAT YOU NEED. You don't go out to a nice dinner to hear the manager go on and on about how great their restaurant is, how many awards the chef has won, or a detailed description of every single item on the exhaustive menu...that would be painful!! So, why are healthcare professionals always pushing their credentials and all of the different types of treatments that they can provide, and letting you know how many letters that they can build up behind their name on their business cards? I once thought that it was vastly important to bombard clients with as many offerings as possible, with as many credentials as possible. Guess what? None of that matters. What really matters the most is what the CLIENT NEEDS. Reaching out to patients in need should not be driven by how much the provider can puff out his or her chest or by how many studies they've read. All of those things are very important...taking care of our patients requires a great deal of education...the body is very complex. But, the emotions, the psychology, the family, the history of our patients is also integral in the development of a program that is effective in improving their quality of life, which is really why we professionals should exist. Improving the quality of life of our patients requires us to dive into every aspect of their lives, not just the physical deficits that exist. This investigation leads us to implement a customized plan including many branches that leads to that one goal...improvement in quality of life. We like to think of our patients and thus, treatment plans, as two are the same. Want an exhaustive list of what we can offer as a provider of physical, occupational, and speech therapy? Sure...we can get you that. First, we need you to tell us your fears, your pains, what concerns your family about how you are functioning. Tell us what you are missing in your life that you really want to get back. Tell us your goals. Tell us what YOU want. Tell us what YOU need. We are ready to take YOUR order. Please call anytime for a FREE CONSULTATION 1-888-929-7677
- There's No Place Like Home! Why Physical Therapy In Your Home is Simply A Better Way!
There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home. Truer words have never been spoken. Home is the most comfortable and safe place…it’s where the heart is! I know…bad one..sorry. In the U.S., we are experiencing a rapidly aging population secondary to the ‘baby boom’ while at the same time a tightening of the belt by medical insurance companies, including Mama Medicare, reducing hospital stays. Logically, the role of physical, occupational, and speech therapists is expanding and becoming more relevant at the same pace. Over the years, there have been gaps in provision of medical care for one reason or another. One such gap exists but not for long. Outpatient therapy clinics vs. Home Health Agencies. Not a real competition, just two options for differing circumstances..both outstanding formats for the provision of medical care. For outpatient therapy, the patient must be able to get out of the house to get to the facility, most often times 3 times per week for several weeks, especially in the geriatric population. With conventional home health care, you had likely just gotten out of the hospital after an acute illness and must be considered homebound… The gap exists between the acutely ill who qualify for traditional home health care, and the community dwellers who are not acutely ill, but, have declined for one reason or another, and just cannot get to an outpatient facility….most elderly folks have a real hard time getting out of their homes. Enter the lightbulb moment!! I don’t claim to have invented this strategy...I just want to bring it to this area in order to best serve the seniors of Schuylkill County and surrounding communities. If you or someone you know is one of our great seniors who is not acutely ill but has experienced a decline in functional ability…falls, balance problems, shortness of breath with short distance walks, pain, difficulty getting up from chairs or bed etc., this program is designed just for you. You don’t need to get to the outpatient therapy facility to achieve the same results. We bring the outpatient gym to you. How many 80 year olds do you see having the ability to get to outpatient therapy visits three times per week for twelve weeks? Most seniors want to stay in their homes as long as they possibly can. One way to make that happen is with therapy. Thank goodness for my peers who have done the studies to prove the facts. Therapy in your home is effective, convenient, approved by Medicare and other insurances, and guess what? In my opinion, a very high majority of our seniors would benefit greatly from this service. Give us a call at 1-888-929-7677 for a FREE CONSULTATION, invite us into your home and let us get you back some of that quality of life you may have lost. Ruby slippers optional!
- New To Physical Therapy? What To Expect...
Physical therapy first-timer? What exactly are you in for on your first physical therapy visit? First off, dress comfortably because you will be moving. By the end of your evaluation, you should have a clear idea of your assessment and physical therapy treatment goals. You and your PT will create an individualized treatment plan to help you with your recovery. What Is Physical Therapy? You probably have a general idea about what a physical therapy is and what a physical therapist does. But why exactly are you going to a physical therapist? What sets them apart from other healthcare providers? Physical therapists are experts on the dysfunction of the body’s musculoskeletal and nervous system. Currently, to become a licensed physical therapist, you must earn a doctorate degree in physical therapy, complete intensive clinical internships, and practice extensively in the clinic. PTs are trained to both diagnose and treat movement dysfunctions. Like most medical professionals, physical therapists can treat a wide-variety of acute injuries and long-term chronic conditions and also rehabilitate patients pre- and post-surgery. Besides injury treatment, physical therapists also provide injury prevention conditioning and wellness services. Think of physical therapists as biomechanists for your body. By treating the mechanics of your body’s movement, they aim to get you back in optimal shape. Let’s Evaluate Your first PT visit is the evaluation. During the 45 to 60 minute session, you and your PT will review your medical history as it relates to your musculoskeletal problem(s) and perform objective testing to help diagnose your injury and determine the future course of treatment. Prepare yourself for the standard questions. Where does it hurt? What makes it better? What makes it worse? Your PT also wants to get a good idea about your general health. They’ll perform a screening of your main body systems (i.e. musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardiovascular, pulmonary, and integumentary) to gauge how interrelated your symptoms may be. This often includes taking your blood pressure, your weight, and your height. Any treatment stemming from your physical therapy evaluation needs to be scientifically crafted and implemented. They’ll consider your range of motion, strength, joint mobility, flexibility, posture, and movement patterns. By assessing your gait, a PT may be able to diagnose movement compensation patterns and find further clues as to what is driving your problem. From there, they can piece together how this may or may not impact your specific injury. With baseline measurements of your current status, your PT will be able to specifically compare improvements made in future sessions. Start Treatment On Day One Prepare to start on your treatment plan with your PT that very day. Physical therapy isn’t supposed to be painful. You’ll be moving, stretching, and having your joints and muscles mobilized using hands-on manual therapy techniques depending on your injury. Day one is the beginning of your rehabilitation progress. Some injuries are more complex than others and remember that healing does take time. At some point you may be thinking “why were they checking my neck if the problem is in my shoulder?”. Sometimes, your physical therapy evaluation will include parts of your body that don’t seem related to your injury. Your evaluation will be comprehensive to include all factors that may be contributing to your problem as well as a concentrated analysis of your particular injury. Can You Recover Without Going To Physical Therapy? While some injuries do heal on their own, physical therapy can help improve the healing time and quality of your recovery. Googling can only take you so far in the case of self-treating your injury, as is the case with most medical conditions. Remember, PTs are experts on your body’s musculoskeletal system. Their therapy program will be tailored to make you feel better and function at a higher level. By the end of your session, your PT will have mapped out a treatment plan specific to you and your body. Feel free to ask questions. Your involvement in your treatment plan is crucial to your healing. Your PT wants to be able to guide you as effectively and positively as possible. We encourage questions, comments, and concerns at your first visit and for the duration of your physical therapy treatment. Want to learn more? Click HERE to arrange A FREE Phone Assessment with our Specialist.
- Should You Do Something Now About Your Balance and Falls?
Balance is our ability to maintain our center of mass over our base of support to keep us steady and upright. A properly functioning balance system allows us to see clearly while moving, know our orientation in respect to gravity, and helps to determine our speed and direction when we need to move. To break it down, we have 4 bodily systems that make up our balance: Vision, Proprioception or our awareness of our bodies positions, Inner ear or our vestibular system and feeling of equilibrium, Muscular system. Problems With Balance Balance problems occur when one or more of these four systems are not working properly. For example: Our vision could be impaired from the normal aging process, poor lighting in a room, eye tracking issues, an old eyeglass prescription, and other diseases like cataracts or glaucoma. Our proprioception or our body awareness could be impaired from diseases as well, including diabetes resulting losing sensation in the bottoms of our feet meaning that we don’t have the proper information from foot to brain and back to our foot on how our body should adapt to the ground beneath us. Our vestibular system could be impaired from nutrition, trauma, or as you may have heard at one time or another your “crystals” being out of place in your ear, which is typically the cause of dizziness with a change in position, this is called BPPV. Our muscular system could be impaired for several reasons including: lack of exercise or being sedentary which can happen due to lifestyle choices, disease or injuries, or due to actually having other causes of balance problems. When we have problems with our balance, it is difficult to maintain stable and upright positions when standing, walking, and even when sitting. A person with poor balance may experience tripping, stumbling, dizziness, vertigo, and falling. These effects of irregular balance can make a person fearful of performing simple daily actives and as a result, they may lose strength, become frail, and lose coordination because of avoiding challenging activities or movements. The loss of balance and coordination can cause alterations to your daily life, and it is a physical therapists goal to help you overcome your balance issues to help you regain confidence with your movements. Falls And Physical Therapy One of the major and more serious outcomes of abnormal balance is a fall. Many older adults have experienced a fall or have worry that they may experience a fall. In fact, every 15 seconds an older adult is seen in the ER for a fall related injury and 50-75% of older adults living in nursing homes fall annually. A fall can be scary but there are ways to test to see if you are on the fall risk spectrum and if so, how we can prevent injury with a fall. To determine if you are on the fall risk spectrum, your physical therapist will have you perform five tests: Berg Balance Test (takes you through 14 different testing positions looking at dynamic balance activities) TUG (is the Timed Up and Go test that looks at the time it takes to stand up, walk a certain distance, turn around, and sit back down) SL (single leg balance with eyes open) 5 times sit to stand Self-Selected Walking Speed. With all of these tests a picture is provided to your physical therapist on your mobility, strength, endurance, balance, and movement patterns. Once your physical therapist has determined your fall risk, they will work with you on how to improve your muscle strength, flexibility and balance. We will also work on fall recovery training which will help you to fall more safely. If you feel that physical therapy can help with your balance or you are interested in more information on assessing your fall risk, Please set up a FREE Phone Assessment with our Balance Specialist by filling out the information in the link below. Click HERE to Arrange Your FREE Phone Assessment