FREE Dizziness / Vertigo Info | Achieva Rehabilitation
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“I have participated at other physical therapy facilities using the fancy machines. Achieva Rehab is different. They use what you have in your home so that you can function in your everyday life. You will not find anyone with more knowledge, compassion, or perseverance to have their patient achieve their goals than Achieva Rehab.”

"Put An End to Dizziness or Vertigo (and The Fear that Something is Really Wrong) Without Pills or Repeated Doctor Visits - This is The Place To Do It!"

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Find out why you are dizzy or spinning and what you can do to fix it in five minutes.

See What Others Are Saying About Our Specialized Treatment...

“I have such high praise for Achieva.  I don't know how I would have made it to a PT facility given the severity of my symptoms to what turned out to be benign positional vertigo.  Thankfully, I have been symptom free and am so grateful to Achieva for helping me get back to normal. “


“I had vertigo for several years now and had been receiving therapy at another local PT office. Last year, however, the therapist was unable to restore my ability to function to a high enough degree that I felt comfortable doing daily routine activities. When I learned about  Achieva, I was anxious to have Joel become my therapist. .  I would continue to do the old and new exercises twice a day faithfully and had great results."


Joel J Digris Physical Therapist Balance and Mobility Expert

A Message from Joel J. Digris, Leading Vestibular Physical Therapist About Dealing With Vertigo or Dizziness:


Many of our clients come to us, having been prescribed medications that were ineffective in treating their vertigo or dizziness and also caused unwanted side effects. They often have undergone multiple scans and tests which result in no clear answers leaving them frustrated at being no closer to a resolution of their symptoms. 


Worse yet, many medical tests come back as “normal” leading family and friends to suspect and hint to them that they are just “crazy.”  Most heartbreaking to us, is when people begin to believe it themselves.


For those experiencing vertigo (the room spinning) or who have been experiencing a sense of dizziness or lightheadedness that is hard to describe, it can be hard to find a consistent, reliable, and permanent specialist who has the experience to recognize and treat this problem.


At Achieva Rehab, we provide that consistency and dependability. And because these symptoms and the reasons for them are so specific to the individual, we have the experience to understand every little difference. Because with Achieva Rehab, we treat you the person, not just the diagnosis.

If this is happening to you and you feel like things are not improving, you're not alone - we hear this type of thing all the time.


In fact helping people understand and treat vertigo or dizziness and regain independence is a big part of our Home Program at Achieva Rehab.


“Why Am I Feeling Dizzy...This is Scary?”


“Why Is My Vertigo Not Going Away?  Nothing I’ve Tried Has Worked.”

Problem...Most People Including Healthcare Workers Don't Understand The Vestibular System...The System That Is Usually the Culprit!


The greatest challenge with dizziness and vertigo is its obscurity in our healthcare system. Part of this obscurity problem is the over-reliance on tests and imaging in current healthcare, which are ineffective in diagnosing vestibular disorders and other reasons for vertigo or dizziness.  


A thorough patient history and clinical examination is needed to verify a vestibular disorder.  This is a problem world-wide where dizziness and vertigo are addressed in healthcare with an over-prescription of medications and imaging testing that often is useless and honestly never really matters in the first place. 


Referrals to the right specialists are underutilized.  When patients with dizziness or vertigo are referred, they will often see many different specialists before ending up in a program like ours, which is where they should have started because this type of highly specialized therapy is the ONLY thing that works.  By this point, these patients are left frustrated with many unsuccessful treatments.

Dizziness and vertigo can be very debilitating and cause major life changes, including avoiding daily life activities and even an unwillingness to leave the house.  At worst, dizziness and/or vertigo can increase risk of falling, and fractures. 

To make the problem more complex, sometimes symptoms of dizziness or vertigo can be signs of a potentially immediate life-threatening condition.  If you've felt that severe spinning or even dizziness when in a vehicle or crowded store, the first thing you think of is that you are going through a MAJOR health problem right now...I know!  My sister-in-law experienced that feeling and was scared to death.


However, more recent research shows many of these situations can be picked up by a good clinical examination without imaging or special studies.  From there, life-threatening conditions can be referred out properly.  With our expertise, we have the ability to determine the need to be assessed for a real life-threatening problem, so, people with dizziness or vertigo should see a PT at Achieva Rehab right away.  And, you can see us in many cases without a prescription from your doctor.

Many people just like you hope that dizziness or Vertigo (spinning) will disappear without doing anything like a magician’s assistant in a large black box.  Six months later, not only is your dizziness still around…it’s worse after that time!”

Does That Sound Like You?

Some people have decided to do something about it so they see their family doctor who tells them to use a walker or reduce activity level because “you are getting older”, take medications for dizziness and “see how it goes”.  

Unfortunately this is rarely the best advice. A lot of times, they end up going back to the doctor again because the concern hasn't changed.  This time, they're told by their doctor to see a specialist whose advice is to schedule further testing.


This explains why so many people live with it longer than they should.

Has This Happened To You?

Why does dizziness or vertigo come along? It's easy to get confused because you've been told so many different things by different people. There are lots of people out there who are happy to give you advice, but not all of the things you hear are reliable.

Your dizziness or vertigo is likely coming from something that is benign and doesn’t require imaging testing that costs thousands of dollars.  But, that’s what the medical community often thinks is indicated…and more time passes before a real solution is available. 

The system that often causes dizziness or vertigo is very complex and the reasons for your symptoms can be very confusing. Because of that many people end up accepting that dizziness or vertigo is just part of being lucky enough to live a long life.  It’s not.

Do You Feel That Way Too?

If You’re Currently Living With Dizziness or Vertigo, Here Are 7 Reasons Why It Could Be Lasting Longer Than It Should:

😕  You thought it would go away on its own - but it didn’t.

😕  You went to the Doctor who told you to reduce your activity and take medications like antivert or meclizine- but the pills don’t improve the cause of your dizziness and rest makes you weak.

😕  A friend, or family told you that they’ve also gotten dizzy as they got older and their dizziness or vertigo hasn't gotten better, so you just accepted it.

😕  You tried other Healthcare Professionals, or a Physical Therapist in the past, unsuccessfully.  The problem is that you have to see someone with experience who actually knows how to find the problem and has proof that they can get you better...hint...see our reviews to show you that we at Achieva Rehab are the right clinicians to see.

😕  You tried YouTube exercises but they either did nothing, or made you more nervous..and, nobody every explains WHY you should do certain treatments.

😕  You thought it would be a good idea to reduce your activity because if you are sitting, you can’t get dizzy and fall, but all that did was make your muscles weaker.

😕  You decided to stop moving in ways that usually bring on your symptoms, but, that's a huge problem that leads to many, sometimes even worse issues in the long run.

If any of these things have happened to you, we would love to help you by inviting you to schedule a No Strings Phone Call with one of our expert physical therapists. The fact that you tried any, (or all) of these things is actually a good thing because when you know what doesn't work, we will find the thing that does.


Click the link below to schedule a free telephone consultation. The phone call is complementary and there is no obligation to book any appointments with us after! Our goal is to help you make the right decision about what is the best next step.



“What Can I Start Doing Today To Get Closer To Getting Rid of My Dizziness or Vertigo?"


Well, here's 4 things you can do:


✅  First, you need to decide to get help. So many people put off getting help right away.  “A stitch in time saves nine.”  Right?  So true.  

✅  Avoid Extended Rest.  Safely perform your daily activities with upper body support if needed.  Try to do exercises that are safe so you can keep your body strong.  Things like standing up and sitting down as many times as you can from a safe chair with arms.  Do this several times per day.

✅  Get real Physical Therapy - Specialized Physical Therapy is proven to help people with balance problems and dizziness / vertigo. In fact, it’s a very common problem that we treat with our In-Home Physical Therapy Program at Achieva Rehab.  If your balance and dizziness threatens your mobility and independence or gets in the way of spending quality time with family and friends – expert PT will help you back on the path to joy.

✅  Next, do the RIGHT exercises - one of the best things to help you improve your balance and get rid of dizziness or vertigo is to do the right series of exercises - specifically created for you personally by our expert Physical Therapist to help get rid of the vertigo or dizziness and make sure you get back to doing the things you love to do!

If you would like to know how the Physical Therapy team at Achieva Rehab can help you live without vertigo or dizziness, we invite you to sign up for our No Strings Phone Call.  If you are not ready to talk with someone, download our free ebook to start learning.

























So the next question is:

“How Can Choosing to See a Physical Therapist at Achieva Rehab Help You Ease Your Vertigo or Dizziness - In The Next Few Days?”


Here’s just a few of the things our Physical Therapy Team can do for you:


☑️  We can let you know what the true cause of your dizziness or vertigo is and why it is happening, so you can have peace of mind starting with the FIRST SESSION (The Initial Evaluation Or Even The Discovery Visit).

☑️  We will tailor-make your program around you, your ambitions, your wants, what you truly want to get back to doing. We can help take away the nervousness and concern.  We will be RELENTLESS to achieve this, and WE WILL NOT STOP until you tell us. We will NEVER GIVE UP ON YOU!

☑️  We can help progress your balance each step of the way. That is why this is a journey, not a quick fix. Improving balance and preventing falls is a step-by-step process that requires persistancy, consistency, and work. Are you ready?
that you will fall.

☑️  We will help you understand your problem and we will provide you with the right advice and proper exercises that will speed up your recovery.

☑️  We can help you get back to enjoying quality time with family and friends that Fear of dizziness or vertigo has stolen from you.


Basically, we can help you get back to living life, free from fear of Vertigo or falling and full of JOY!

If you're not quite ready to book an appointment yet, you might have some questions that you would like answered first. We're happy to talk!

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If you're not quite ready to book an appointment yet, you might have some questions that you would like answered first. We're happy to talk!

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