Joel J. Digris, MSPT, Owner Achieva Rehabilitation
3 min read
Physical Therapist Guided Exercise Helps EVERYTHING That Matters!!
In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining optimal health can be challenging. However, incorporating physical therapist guided exercise into y

Joel J. Digris, MSPT, Owner Achieva Rehabilitation
3 min read
Getting A New Knee? What to Expect and Some Exercises to Get You Ready!
Hello, I'm Joel J. Digris, a Physical Therapist with Achieva Rehabilitation. If you are preparing for or recovering from knee replacement su

Joel J. Digris, MSPT, Owner Achieva Rehabilitation
6 min read
Try These Effective Exercises for Back Pain...
In this blog, we’re going to go over three easy and safe ways to help relieve lower back pain and we're going to do this by focusing on exer

Joel J. Digris, MSPT, Owner Achieva Rehabilitation
4 min read
Great Back Pain Exercises - How McKenzie Does It.
I’m going to teach you about something today called the McKenzie Method. - McKenzie back exercises consist of up to seven exercises and th

Joel J. Digris, MSPT, Owner Achieva Rehabilitation
3 min read
Everyone with Back Pain wants to Move Forward. But! Moving Backward Might Work Better!
The number of people who will develop back pain at some point in their lives that is debiliating is about 80%. When people begin with back

Joel J. Digris, MSPT, Owner Achieva Rehabilitation
4 min read
Ice or Heat? Plus! Make Your Own Ice or Hot Packs.
Our patients in our Physical Therapy Program often ask us whether they should use ice or heat for their particular conditions. When deciding

Joel J. Digris, MSPT, Owner Achieva Rehabilitation
3 min read
Could Your Low Back Pain be SI Joint Related?
What in thee world is that crazy language? Did you say SI Joint? This is a little known joint in the small of your back that people may ha

Joel J. Digris, Owner, Aciehieva Rehab
4 min read
Back Pain or Sciatica? What's the Difference?
According to the American Physical Therapy Association, back pain is the most commonly reported pain across the nation, and one out of every